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AgeSong has given me so much - a healthy way to think about aging, great friendships, as well as stimulating and purposeful volunteer work. When I came to Marin County 15 years ago with my husband Paul, I knew only 2 people in the area, my sisters. It was great good fortune that I read about a lecture being given by Elizabeth Bugental and heard about AgeSong. What a gift it has been.
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One of the ways that I think I benefited from AgeSong was that I didn’t go into despair & loneliness (as in years past) over the Thanksgiving holiday- although, this is still not my favorite time of year. I think the warmth and support of the AgeSong group members and facilitators, held me and helped quell the dark thoughts. Can’t hold onto false beliefs if people are showing you that they care!
Susan D.
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This AgeSong group has given me so much and already has changed my life for the better.
Barbara W.
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AgeSong is the highlight of my week. You might think that discussion groups consisting of eight strangers would be awkward, but that certainly wasn’t the case. Discussion flowed easily and comfortably. There was a feeling of warmth and familiarity among the entire group. People listened to one another thoughtfully and with caring and empathy. Advice was given freely, but only if asked for.
It’s been a wonderful ride and I’ve loved every minute of it, especially the opportunity of getting to know and make new friends.
Judith F.
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AgeSong Marin was very instrumental in helping me to find out who I am. I’m on a path that brings me happiness, joy, and purpose.
Sheila A.
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I love watching the individual and group spirit emerge through this AgeSong process. It reaffirms how much can be gained by sharing. Thank you again & again.
Jackie H.
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Not being the outgoing type, I hesitated at first, but eventually decided to join an AgeSong Marin group. The groups are deliberately kept small and I found that I easily fit in and was able to both contribute and learn from others. In all, it’s a fantastic journey.
Chuck K.
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Where do you feel at home? What are you thankful for? For whom are you responsible? These are questions that lead to stories and conversations, not statements and debates. They’re the kinds of conversations we’re hungry to have, but often don’t find the time or space to hold. In this weekly meeting, we’ll ask each other questions that matter, share our stories, and commit to doing something differently in our lives based on our conversations.
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When I joined my first group it was a great addition to my life. It has to do with community, or sharing with people one’s own age that was very stimulating and gave my life a new lift. As well as sharing my own life, concerns, etc, it is wonderful to listen to each person as they share. Each person is different with varying viewpoints in spite of many similarities. The facilitators (also not young!) add their own comments to the themes we discuss, supply printed material for us to consider, and ask questions of the person speaking in subtle and helpful ways. One and a half hours goes by too fast! These meeting are energizing.
Daphne A.
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A group of 6 participants who were concluding their third ongoing group together were asked why they continue to come to Agesong. Here’s a snapshot of their comments:
It’s a place where we can validate that it’s ok to be aging and that there are numerous things to be grateful for. I look forward to it each week for the connection with others in the same boat, where we can tell our stories and listen to others. It’s a place to laugh and take a break from the normal stresses of life. It’s interesting to share points of view and explore the positive aspects of aging for the future. I enjoy the different topics and find new resources for information on the ageing process. It’s a great place to explore this new phase of life.