AgeSong provides an open door for seniors in San Rafael
By Kate Fitzsimmons |PUBLISHED: August 22, 2018| UPDATED: August 24, 2018, Marin Independent Journal
Why are few men involved with AgeSong?
By Mark Hoffman, Printed in the Marin Independent Journal Letters to the Editor Readers’ Forum, July 29, 2016
AgeSong Marin - A good resource for seniors
By Dennis Furby, Printed in the Marin Independent Journal Letters to the Editor Readers’ Forum March 28, 2015.
AgeSong offers alternative aging perspectives
By Ann Mizel, From The Ark, January 28, 2015
AgeSong Marin Helps Navigate Journey of Losing and Finding
From Whistlestop Express, April 2014, Page 3
By Ann Coffey, Ph.D., Great Age: Newsletter of the Marin County Commission on Aging, Spring-Summer 2013
Marin Voice: Serendipitous Moment Brings Reward
By Ruth Rakosky, Marin Independent Journal, August 5, 2010
A Journey of Losing and Finding: Groups help seniors deal with fears and explore new possibilities
By Paul Liberatore, Marin Independent Journal, August 25, 2009
By Jill Kramer, Pacific Sun, October 14, 2005